Running has become an increasingly popular form of exercise in the last few decades. News feeds are filled with photos of friends running marathons, half-marathons and 5Ks. With the increase in running's popularity comes the increase in running devices and running apps.
Running USA's 2014 study reported that, "52 percent of runners today track themselves with some sort of GPS-enabled device, like a smartphone, a fitness tracker or a specially designed running watch." There is a growing attractiveness and appeal in being able to monitor personal fitness data which explains the growing popularity of running as a sport. Today, smartphone apps have the ability to track distance, calories burned, pace, and elevation, and more advanced devices are able to track data such as oxygen consumption and vertical oscillation. All of these modern developments raise the question: Can technology actually motivate runners to perform better?
Performance apps have the potential to influence athletes' performance goals
Photo Source: Terps Magazine |
Jim Hagberg, a Kinesiology professor at the University of Maryland, is the developer of the
Training Optimization System (TOPS) app. TOPS functions to provide athletes with a mobile app that enhances training and performance. The app includes features such as measuring oxygen consumption, personalized rehydration plans and injury prevention assessments. The app also measures, "water, glycogen, carbohydrates and fat burned or lost in workouts (and) formulates a rehydration plan to restore the athlete to top shape," according to an article in
Terp Magazine.
The infographic to the right illustrates a breakdown of the data TOPS is able to measure in order to enhance athletic performance. The app breaks down various natural body processes that occur while running or participating in other athletic activities. Through determining the percentage of a necessary resource depleted during physical activity, the app can then calculate the resources needed to replenish the body.
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